Friday, December 25, 2015

The Big Day

You know it:  Christmas Day.  What everyone has been stressing about for weeks now.  Except the chosen few.  We put our favorite cowboy boots on and head to the barn to do what we do every day.  There's bliss in that. Besides, only morons would dare venture out in the floods we've endured in these parts.
"Hang on Myrtle, here I come with the cranberries and dressing". 
 Entirely not worth the risk of floating down the Saugahatchee and the ignominious volunteer fire department rescue.  Yes, it has been that bad.
Yes, I spent gobs of time herding horses into the barn before lightning storms, then back out, then back in.
Some were royally confused by the exercise.

Some are plain brighter than others an need no reminders to get out of harm's way:
The most kissable end of an ox.

Worth all the effort... all minions accounted for, in defiance of some violent storms. 

All hands on deck the past few days.
Garrett, head of quality control, is eager to help run tests on the new screens I've been retrofitting to very unsquare office windows.  "Please curb your enthusiasm, son".

Two days alone on the farm, entry points secured, no employees in sight... not like a holiday, but almost.  Do you realize how much work can be accomplished??? 

Not as much fun as being back at home with family, 

but a close second.
Although my tourtieres are good, I bet mononcle Jean's are better.
He'd agree.

In conclusion, we, on this remote, sufficiently elevated dry piece of agricultural land, do wish you a splendid Christmas.