Tuesday, December 5, 2017

It's All in the Details

How do you turn a one hour job into an all day project?  I'm glad you asked the Expert.
There's no real recipe, it's an organic process -- you just have to go with it.
I could've washed and vacuumed my car and been done with it.  But why not have more fun and double the cleaning?

It's my day off and I decide to immerse myself all day in just one project.  No distractions, no retarded multi tasking, it's a luxury in these times to be able to focus on one thing at a time.
My driveway becomes Big J's Detail Shop.  Thank goodness for the minions.

I tear my car and the farm's truck apart. I'm shampooing carpets, laundering seat covers, buffing scratches out, using Q-tips in the fins of the vents... two hours into the job, my minions start to drop like flies.

 Pete sleeps all afternoon in the car. He won't move, so I try to nudge him with the vacuum nozzle.  I never get to vacuum under Mr. Comatose, I vacuum him instead, nothing beats going after the source of all the hair!

Even Dax has to take a nap after a swim in his swamp (my former lotus pond) and a vigorous romp through my freshly cleaned car. Is it too late to rename him again?  Chaos is more fitting.
Power naps are his forte and he's back in action helping me wax the truck.  I apply wax, he licks it off.

She's a beautiful truck.  Older model with a few dents -- I say that's what gives us character.

The car ain't so bad herself.

And Chaos is ready to take 'er for a spin.