Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Cup Overfloweth

Life is perfect.  The rough patches are put there only to make you truly appreciate your life when you've emerged from the other side.  
I'm living out the dream life I'd imagined when I was 15. I'm on a gorgeous farm with my 3 horses, 1 ox, 1 dairy cow, 29 chickens and 1 dog with suicidal tendencies.  Yes, I speak of the Almighty Cole.  
He's decided that big boys don't ride on Mommy's lap on the four wheeler...that he's capable of running ahead.  The problem is that he out runs it and doesn't have the sense to stop.  This past week, I searched for him for an hour and a half.  By the time I found him, I was too emotionally spent to do more then tell him to get in the house.

On Saturday, he out shone himself.  Demonstrating his lack of sense-- for all to see.  I was busy trying to wrangle a new found stray dog at one end of the lake, while Cole was attempting suicide by crossing the widest portion of the lake.  
Last Fall, my team of guardian angels deemed that I needed an angel, in house.  They sent Davis.
A right hand man who knows how to work smart and how to lifeguard.  The latter being critical for Cole.  Davis recognized that Cole had run out of steam and was in danger.  He ditched his phone, wallet and shoes and went in after the submerging idiot.  
I gained a new starving dog full of ticks and scabs and almost lost my favorite within 15 minutes.  Sensory overload Saturday. 
The new farm dog is named Garrett.  No, I don't like typical names for pets.
He's in isolation until he's been vetted.  After that he'll fit right in.  He's #6 dog that is in my charge this weekend.
#1 Cole.
#2 Pete
#3 & 4 Katie and Bruce.
#5 Sadie.
And have I mentioned 7 new horses in my charge?  The former stable hand vacated her post last week and guess who lunged into her shoes?  The Lucky One, that's who!  Don't know how I'll find the time to take that job on too-- but don't care. 
Never quit, always work towards your goals.  As my dad says:  funny how the harder you work, the luckier you get.