Thursday, June 4, 2015

Living with two dorks

When I drive the mule, the dogs all insist on riding on the front seat.  A couple of days ago, I had the windshield up and Garrett decided to leap out of my arms, over the dash and out onto the trail-- directly in front of the vehicle. By slamming on the brakes, I avoided completely squishing him, but he did receive a good conk on the noggin.  I doubt he learned his lesson.
Cole always wants to point while I'm driving.  As the concept of speed limits is lost on me, Cole can easily lose his balance and smack his chin on the dash, or possibly fall out.
After Garrett's suicide dive, I lost my patience and told Cole to SIT DOWN.  This is how he perched himself the remainder of that ride:

My freakin' genius!  I'm comforted by the fact that he's the biggest dork I know-- proves that could very well be genetically my child.