Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dull Moments

WANTED:  a dull moment.  They must be nice.  Cole is immune to them.

He is not, however, immune to venomous snake bite.
One month ago, never healed, never relinquished under antibiotic attack or lancing, only got bigger.
The abscess was the size of a ping pong ball, so Cole had an appointment for minor surgery to slice it open Wednesday morning.  
12 hours, that's all the time left before his appointment when the abscess decided to burst to the inside.  Within an hour, his leg was so swollen, he couldn't walk on it.
By midnight, the hour of cold compresses hadn't phased it.  Plus he was beginning to shiver and his eyes were looking weird.  Time for Plan B:  Auburn University Emergency Clinic.
Cole in Zombieland, but Pete was on deer patrol.  We drove the truck in case we did smack a deer, we could still make it to the vet school.  
We are a pack of four.  The Smiths stick together (besides, Pete will demolish a house if he's locked in longer than he deems acceptable).
Shockingly, admin doesn't permit owners and their posse to sleep next to patients.  Wait until I write to the university president about this outrage. 
Fine.  Garrett and Pete slept in the front and I slept in the back seat. 
We  back to the farm to feed our livestock, meanwhile,  Cole's BFU (best friend in the universe) texted that she was with him.

Liz, his physiotherapist for the past year and half is with him, they can banish me, but she has seniority and a key card!  Where would we be without good friends who slip in and take charge when you need help.  
Thanks, Liz.