Thursday, February 16, 2017

My Ski Bunnies

Since the morning hike didn't kill us, I thought we ought to try skiing.  30 minutes away lies Casper Mountain. With altitude, comes snow.
Now for the moment of truth : will Garrett and Pete grasp the concept of skijoring, or will we all end up at the emergency room?

I'm blessed with natural ski bunnies.

They did great on the flats.

So, we headed for the hills, of course.
I'm so very proud of these guys.
All that play makes for a dozen wet boots.

And it builds appetite. Which is a good thing where Cole is concerned, due to the cancer, his appetite has been poor, requiring me to cook for him twice a day in hopes he'll eat.

This natural food store in Casper was a planned stop, but only to get him fresh beef and chicken. On this shoestring budget of a trip, I brought my own dried food.

Lo and behold, money fell from the sky and the mama was able to buy herself fresh food too. Oggle all you want, Garrett, the chèvre cheese is mine. 

Works nicely on a salad.
I found Dan O'Brien's bison meat too.

He's the author of Buffalo For A Broken Heart,  a book on pursuing his dream of raising buffalo out on the range from start to finish. What we don't realize is that most of the available bison meat has been finished off in feedlots, on corn.  The book is one of my favorites, so I bought 3 lbs to support his cause...

... And a foursome from Alabama. What an après ski!
And splendid day : hiking in a desert, skiing in an alpine area... and doing laundry.

The ability to wash clothes on the road without having to sit in your car for an hour and a half outside a laundromat is a huge perk!

Gives me the leisure time to play with my new treasures.

I wanted this for my garden.  I do have roof racks on my car, and lots of rope. I lugged it about 20 feet before realizing the mile back to the car would kill me.  Pity.