Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The dog wishes to protest. 

She will not release me to chase prairie dogs

I'm missing out on prairie dog hors d'oeuvres

Almost had that pronghorn off in the distance...dummy had me off leash for 2 seconds.

Missed lunch.

Honestly, I don't know what's gotten into her.  She has a gun with a scope, why didn't she bring it?  She seems content to snap pictures.  What's happened to that woman???

Deer everywhere...along with elk, buffalo, prairie chicken,ducks, wild turkey, grouse, hares...

I'm going nuts!
 She claims this trip is fun, I call it torture.  I will get my revenge.  I wonder how many times I can trip her up, wrap the leash around her legs and knock her to the ground before she realizes I'm doing it purposefully?