Saturday, August 8, 2020

Farm Team Versus Murphy


His severe asthma has plagued him this Summer.  Relentlessly.

Another older horse, Titan, has an air conditioned stall for use from noon to 9 PM.  One manifestation of his Cushing's disease is that Titan can't sweat above approx 88'F.  Wouldn't take much to kill him in beautiful, sultry, hellish Summer in Alabama. 

In the mornings, Cody had been using the Ice Box, as we call it, to give his lungs a break from outdoor allergens.  But, his inflamed lungs struggle to cope in the afternoons when the heat indices are above 100'. Tuesday evening, he suffered another asthma attack.  I gave him his third breathing treatment for the day and swapped him for Titan in the Ice Box until he was stable around 11 PM.

Farm Team mobilized the next morning.

By afternoon, Cody had his own Ice Box. We scavenged insulation from my chicken coop, a corral panel and bits and pieces from the shop.  Todd made it work.

It had been Adjanie's idea to transform the wash bay.  I was ready to lay plastic down in the office and bring him indoors that way.

Blessed be the Farm Team helping me combat Murphy and his Laws. 

Safe and breathing quietly.  We are Farm Team.  This is what we do and who we are.