Fishing is not part of my skill set. I took fly fishing lessons and caught five bottom-dwelling catfish. I live on a property with two stocked ponds, but have never caught anything.
I have found the solution: the buddy system.
#1 find someone else who knows how to fish:
#2 and let me do the paddling.
Two weeks ago, Dr. Kjar and I hopped in the canoe and trolled around the pond. He caught 5 big bass. Don't believe me, ask Cole, he was there. We threw them all back.
This Friday, we took the peddle boat instead (easier for a man in his 90's to disembark). We didn't have much luck until I switched from peddling to using the canoe paddle to more quietly troll. That's when they began striking (new fishing lingo I learned tonight).
Dr. Kjar landed 3 and we took two home.
What an awesome way to spend a Friday evening.
Have I mentioned the multi-million dollar view around here?
My father had an expression when I was a child: "a face only a mother could love on payday". I never knew if that was a bad thing, or a good thing.
Must be a good thing. How can anyone resist kissing that face?
Back at the house, Dr. Kjar got front row seating for horse feeding time.
Settling in for a supper of poached bass and homegrown mashed potatoes.
Working together, I reckon it wouldn't take us long to fill my freezer!