Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Henry Goes to the Chiropractor

Henry is 32, geriatric, but don't tell him.

He's still hard at work every day being Roscoe's seeing-eye-horse (Roscoe's cataracts are that bad--but that's another story for another day).
Henry's front knees have been bothering him for a while and most recently, I've noticed a slight dip in his backbone. Time to call the chiropractor. 

Dr. Taintor is one of my favorite people at Auburn Vet School, she's performed a miracle orthopedic surgery on my Belgian 10 years ago.

I love these educational visits.

Great to see Henry so relaxed, he's almost asleep.

I learn how to do many of the stretches.  And thus we have a game plan to keep Henry's Golden years golden!