Saturday, May 16, 2020

Celebratory Week

The last final was at the beginning of the week.  Anxiously awaiting final grades...

My precious index card note system.

Every chapter bagged for portability.

How I love notes.

And sticky tabs.

I must admit, I've loved learning this semester.  Dax is over it though.


"All we do is work!"

"Mum, I demand fun."

Mission accomplished:

Surgeon cleared me for light running on Monday.  On Wednesday, I ran for the first time in a year. A wee little 5k.  By Saturday, my boys and I had 7 miles under our belt.  I am whole again.  
Adventures with my troop, it's all I crave. 
I have to give a huge shout out to someone who's been the one forging the way: Bernice Ende. A Montana woman who has spent the last 15 years crisscrossing the US and Canada on horseback.  Over 30,000 solo miles.  Even had a dedicated horse for her dog to ride. I idolize her!...

There's a new movie about her. I received my copy this week.  
I found some money last year to help fund the documentary. Anything to support a free spirit!