On Friday, I bush hogged miles of trails..
My batwing cutter and I make a great team.
That night, the manager from the neighboring farm came by looking for me at 8 PM. He found me doing chores in the barn. He gave me a lecture about working too much. After his monologue, I told him I'll be home 20 later because of him and I handed him a pitch fork.
Saturday was a 14 hour nonstop day. A friend told me I'd forgotten how to have fun, I work too much.
Coming home at night is my fun. Trying to pick my way through a throng of dogs in the dark, less fun.
Every time I come home. Video:
First duty: make supper. Why do you have 12 hens, they ask. Because I have 8 dogs and WE prefer organic eggs.
I'm either 16 hours late for breakfast or 8 hours early. It's been my MO for the past 3 years: starve during the day and consume 3000 calories nocturnally..
Kids are fed.
My turn. No shower, no putting on pyjamas, I'm already behind on 2 lectures and I have homework due by midnight.
My daily bedtime is between 1 and 2 AM. Back up at 6. Keeping my eye on the prize.
My Precious.