My flock of three chickens are entering their 6th year. How long do chickens live anyway? What is that in human years? I'm guessing 60, because egg production has really tapered and this is what I collected: an egg smaller than a quail egg!
Definitely hitting menopause.
Not all of us are over the hill. My dairy cow, Daphne, regrets to inform us all that she is still fertile. Let's just say she was feeling nubile last week. Her bellowing was very persistent and ancient Tommy made a few attempts at mounting her, but quickly winded himself and went to recuperate with a nap. Dissatisfied, Daphne proceeded to show Tommy how it ought to be done. Repeatedly. She humped his head, his back, it was his turn to bellow, but in protest. I was in the kitchen cooking and couldn't immediately drop what I was doing. Tommy did manage to rise, but he has a slow Snufaluffagus shuffle, so he couldn't escape her ravaging. I made it to my boy's rescue with a hose. He likes a bath, she does not. I bathed him and every time she tried a sneak attack, I gave her a cooling down!
Tommy, still feeling violated.
Leaving the birds and the bees,
let's talk about flowers.
Mr. Lincoln is the first of a wave of blooming roses.
Be still beating Canadian hearts out there, there's more:
My iris collection is in full swing.
My absolute favorite is Thornbirds:
Stunning and fragrant.
Mostly Tall Bearded Irises, but a few Intermediate and Dwarf thrown in for good measure.
Pete photobombing.
And again.
Y'all still shoveling snow in Quebec?