Monday, January 1, 2018

Dax Turns 7

January 1st, Dax turned 7 months old and he reports the training is going swimmingly. 

He has the old gal seizing the day by 4:30 most mornings.

At least a 3 mile run before work.  Another 3 at night, even more on days off. He feels certain that with a little more persistence, all this will pay off and Jamie will finally be well trained.  

Being king has it's privileges.
El Destructo on his docking station.
Oh, the miles that must be run to achieve quiet status!

As for Peter, he may not be as successfully subdued as the Woman.  The brinkmanship game may not end to Dax's liking.
Hence the need to hasten his upcoming surgery.  Don't tell him, but those family jewels are about to become medical waste.
Dax has no need for happy medium.  He's either comatose or berserk.

#1 Pastime: running.
#2:  digging to China.

The muddier the hole, the better.
#3: Gardening!
He's a natural horticulturalist. An unrelenting perfectionist.  The singular neat pile of limbs was meticulously rearranged all through the yard to satisfy his artistic vision.

#4:  Harassing the locals.
If one cannot laugh at his unruly nature, one would have strangled him months ago.

Plus dressing him up in Cole's old clothes does help garner him extra compassion from his keeper.

Walking in his big brother's foot steps.

Cole in the onesie two years ago.
Dax will likely not be as tall or large framed as Cole.  What he lacks in stature, he found a way to make up for it with personality.  

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. --- Seneca