My mom encouraged me to follow my heart. This is the ad in that made me swoon.
It took a lot for my family to let me go, I'd been with them 20 years.
They knew when Henry and I met that the stars were aligned for this to be a match made in heaven.
Love is in the air...
... everywhere you look around.
My new mom is Jamie. She said something about her needing another horse like a hole in the head. But those were the terms my old mom set: only Miss Jamie can have me, so my new name is Roscoe Smith.
I wanted to meet my new brothers, Axel and Angus.
But, mom says my only job right now is to be with Henry. Easy, I already follow him everywhere.
Not a bad deal.
I even get my own stall. I've never even had a barn before.
Henry is back to being happy...
And I'm putting on weight and loving my new life.