Sunday, September 22, 2019

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Last Sunday, I felt a little bump on Peter's rump.  By Monday morning it seemed slightly bigger, by Tuesday, it was definitely worrisome.

Good thing he was already headed to Auburn Vet School for his regular physiotherapy.  Our good friend, Liz, fast tracked him through to get it checked out.  The attending vet called to say she suspected mesenchymal sarcoma. We here in the Smith family don't mess about when the word Cancer is casually dropped.  I didn't want to wait two weeks until the first oncology opening, I wanted it out now, even if I had to perform home surgery myself!
Luckily for Peter, that proved unnecessary. 
Dr. Brown swooped in to the rescue.

By Thursday afternoon, Peter, who has struggled for two years to lose weight, had lost his pound of flesh.

Nasty booger was sent off to pathology for testing.

17 staples later, Fat Boy was recovering nicely with our own Dr. Carattini watching over him.  We are surrounded by love, no other way to put it!

At home, Peter is a splendid patient.  Maybe it's because he's too fat to reach his incision site, maybe it's because he's smarter than the average bear, but he hasn't pulled a single staple.  Peter's +12 years of age have given him wisdom. I love senior dogs, even when geriatric problems creep up, such as:

I've learned the hard way not to assume these are pieces of bark Micah has foraged from outdoors. Sometimes, Peter gets the poopies at night.  He's worth all the extra laundry.