Thursday, May 1, 2014

Home at Last

Instead of the old file in the cake trick, I employed the bribe them with homemade brownies trick.

With that, my oxen were released to me on Wednesday night.

Back home safe and sound.

Briefly got stuck trying to back the trailer into its parking space.  Ended up fishtailing it in...when the ground is less saturated, I'll straighten it up, wash it out, reload all the equipment back into it and be ready for the next run to the vet school.  Something tells me this tornado season will be busy.

Vindication.  It is 6 miles to the vet school on foot.  I had my GPS watch this morning when I went to collect my car that I had left there overnight.  I had believed my first run from there to be only 4 and couldn't figure why it had taken me so long.  It probably is only 4 if you drive the main roads, but (Dad don't laugh) I prefer the more scenic, less travelled road.  I'm renowned for my detours.
It's not always about getting from Point A to Point B, it's about enjoying the journey.