Sunday, September 30, 2018

I Look for Trouble

Since Flynn banished me from the barn Friday... as I was supposed to be recovering from the wrist injury, I came up with various ways to remain productive, without irking Mother Goose!

Taking Chester to run errands.
Dragging Peter out for his cardio.

That's where I met Trouble.  In my defense, it had been raining when we left for our walk, so I elected to ditch the arm splint to keep it from getting soaked. The plan was to walk and only walk, how can that get me into a predicament???  Seriously, it takes skill and years of practice.
I fell, in the most inelegant fashion. Smacked my wrist.

And was then trampled to death by the two dogs tethered to me: Dax and Chester. Preventing me from getting up off the ant mound that had absorbed my fall.  These were not your regular fire ants, I think these were Allegheny Mound Ants, big and furious.  

Batting 1000 here. Painful and itchy pustules.  

I love the great outdoors.

Cleaning all the mud out of my weapon will require work too.  
Maybe I ought to take up macrame.