Friday, September 28, 2018

The New Escape Pod

For half the Summer, the RV repair shop held my Scotty frame hostage.  Every week, I'd call or stop by to see if they were making progress on installing brakes on the frame.

Because that's what I have it stripped down to: a frame. Finally the work was done, but now with diminishing evening light, my best shot at getting it put back together before a Fall trip had vanished. Dreams of taking off for my vacation were dashed. How to get my crippled old Peter and the rest of the crew away from the farm this Fall-- in relative comfort!
Desperation plus a hefty dollop of folly equals this:

1954 Kropf Cruiser.  It had been sitting at the back of the RV lot beckoning to me all Summer.  I tip toed it off the lot for chump change. 
WE HAVE AN ESCAPE POD!  I brought it home this week before the DR Brush Cutter incident.  I'm in love with every inch of it.  I can't wait to clean it up so I can run an extension cord to it, flop some sleeping bag on the ground and camp out.  

Not one missing window frame.  All original inside and out.  

Period lighting.

Original oak paneling and all cupboard doors and latches function.  

Completely Dax approved.  He especially likes his own emergency exit hatch, the hole in the bedroom floor is just the right size.

There are a couple other holes that need to be temporarily stopped up to prevent interlopers from establishing reign.
The first eviction:

I found a knife buried in the wall and handed it to Flynn as he opened a cupboard.  The man has deadly fast instincts.
Dax is just ticked he didn't find it first.  Until I can get it purged of the squatters, he's not allowed to play in it anymore!

Soooo dismayed.

One way or another, we're getting  outta here! 

Hang on kids, momma's got a brand new plan.

Objects in rear view mirror are larger than they appear!