Thursday, June 20, 2019

Define Bed Rest

Restricted... not a word from my personal dictionary.
I AM being careful!

Frankly,  I'm safer at work than at home,  I've proven that.

Everything is simply more challenging.
Caveat: the foot demands to be propped up.... forcing me to adopt a gymnast's flexibility that I didn't even possess at the age of 7.

Failure to obey results in a blimp for a foot by evening.

Leading to the discovery that under too great a tension,  skin cracks. Who knew!

So, now I'm religiously icing at night.

On my day off, Flynn brought my chair from the barn to my house.

Talk about service.

I was determined to work and enjoy my garden.

Blueberries and blackberries at their peak.

Daylilies showing off.

Scooting around,  pulling weeds from a yoga mat was far less enjoyable than I had imagined.

Where there's a will,  there's a way.

I decided that playing in someone else's garden was a better plan. Hello Columbus Botanical Garden.

I think Helene would love what her now christened chair,  Sparky, has been doing on the farm. And off!

It's been an adjustment,  made bearable by the kindness and benevolence of everyone around me--- even strangers.  Like the airport employee this morning who whisked me off in a wheelchair and deposited me at my gate,  bypassing all the queues. But that's a story for next time.

Define bed rest...