Thursday, June 6, 2019

Post Op

First day home after surgery, I grow weary of laying around playing Micah's chew toy.

It seems like a great idea to go run some errands.  Flynn, aka Mother Goose, has a conniption fit and tries to prevent me from leaving.  Since I didn't have general anesthesia and I'm not taking pain medicine,  legally,  I can drive.  Logically, probably not. Being reasonable isn't my strong suit.

Mother Goose evaded,  I soon have issues with the farm truck.  The wobble gets worse. I pull over at a church and a good samaritan materializes from the cemetery.  He figured out that it's a blown belt in my tire. I'm less than 2 miles from our tire shop. Guardian angels once again working overtime for me.

Back on the farm,  I attempt to remain off Mother Goose's radar. 

Multiple evasion tactics employed. 
Since I can't crouch to get in the chicken coop, it will now be Flynn's job for 6 weeks.  He finds 2 snakes eating the eggs, he brings one back to me to hold while he returns to capture the other. I'm trying to make supper, hold a snake that's coiling itself up on my scooter...

Attempt to multitask are dropped, more fun to play with a snake.  I had her so calm that I had opened my hand and she never moved.  Flynn relocated them both on the other side of the barn.

Never a dull day around here.
364 more days before I can do this:
Run Forrest, run!

"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." Inky Johnson