Thursday, October 24, 2019

Baby Announcement

It's a boy! No, it's a girl! No, it's a camper!

Yes, after 9 LONG, i mean LONG months, my Kropf camper has come home. She'd been marooned at the welding shop waiting on custom axles.  From this:

To this:

Original axles were unworkable, with obsolete rims and brake drums, requiring a level of ingenuity that only one cantankerous welder could dispense.  It became a tense hostage situation towards the end, where I thought I'd never get her back.  She was sitting in his horse paddock, immobilized without any way to roll and he liked to taunt me every month with promises that he was going to work on her. Patience is a virtue, but it's highly overrated. 

Now that my 1954 Kropf Cruiser has nestled her 33' self in my backyard, she's not going anywhere for a while.  The leaky roof is the next item on the list to tackle and I've found a RV repairman up the road who is eager to lend a hand.
For now, I'll keep puttering around tinkering with the inside and imagining what she'll look like next year.