Saturday, October 19, 2019


After Tommy was buried in our horse cemetery, I had to make the very difficult call to the processor to have Daphne put down.  She had been plucked from a livestock auction three years ago, destined for a feedlot and I was able to give her a longer, happier life, but a deal is a deal. And that is the deal I has struck with myself when taking on yet another mouth to feed:  She was only to stay as long as Tommy.
I felt like such a treacherous murderer on the long drive to the slaughterhouse.  If I were supreme leader, I'd make everyone experience this, that way no one would dare waste a morsel of food, knowing that it had come from an animal you'd raised with love.  
Fast forward three weeks:

Over 2000 lb Daphne yields 1010 lb Hot Carcass Weight.  That's a lot of homegrown, organic beef.

Not to mention an incredible marbling and bold taste.  If you're gonna do something, do it right.

Her life is appreciated and will go on to sustain mine and others.  Amen, Big Momma.