Tuesday, May 3, 2016


It's been a week of fun and mayhem on the farm.  Let's forgo the latter and focus on the former!
The new outhouse in the middle of the woods.  One employee was making far too many frequent and lengthy trips back to the office to go potty.  Rather than issuing Depends, we uprooted a tiny garden shed from one end of the property and relocated to another.
For a bench, I used the former manager's dining room table.  Poetic justice, I say.

Last year, the barn was fogged four times a day with noxious fly spray, coating the worker, horses and their water, I've eliminated that system.  And replaced it with the barn swallow squadron. 
Six swallows live in the barn now and swoop around the horses to eat flies.  Since I've forbidden the use of 2-4D and the barrage of other chemicals the previous manager was dumping on the property, we now have wild flower meadows, bats around the barn, tree frogs are making a comeback, everything is coming back on line.  Mother Nature can't be controlled, why do people fight so hard against her, when harnessing her powers is so much more rewarding?

Example of a reward:  Tall Bearded Iris called Starring.
Another reward:  the barn swallows provide Cole with endless entertainment.
All that herding of birds can make a boy hungry.
He loves helping me when I mix three brands of food to make his custom mix.  A helpful lad.
Two other helpful lads:
The guys who make running this farm possible. 
Jared has a wicked sense of humor.  He had a tooth pulled and wasn't supposed to bend over.  He wanted to change the blade on the mower, so he picked up this 150 lb commercial mower and set it up on a bench.  "Are you happy, now, I'm not bending over?"... what can I say???
Even the horses around here are helpful.
Oreo offered to hold himself while the farrier worked on his feet.  Wouldn't it be nice if I could walk off and get back to my leisurely pursuits:
I've decided to build scrapbooks for my iris and day lily collections.  Like I needed another project...