Seeking buffalo with Buffalo Bill Cole.
We stop in Thermopolis, where it is reputed that the Hot Springs State Park keeps a herd.
For centuries, people have soaked and drunk the sulphury waters.
Scalding and you guessed it, odiferous!
Hot on the trail of BBQ, I mean buffalo.
The path is muddy, but we persist!
A sign we're on the right track. Tonto has a taste and deems it to be less than 3 hours old.
Fresh tracks! Now we're gaining on them.
It is at this point, after falling twice in the greasy mud, that I rethink our adventure into the buffalo pasture. Simply because it's allowed doesn't make it smart.
We hightail it the last mile back to the cattle grate and decide to hunt something less fierce--- like marmots!
Yo, Buffalo Bill, why don't we stop by a grocery store instead!?
Breath taking scenery all the way!
Barely anyone on these secondary roads. Pedal to the metal.
Besides, we have an appointment to make in Montana. Garrett's eye had been irritated since Tuesday morning and he needed to be checked out by a vet.
Earlier that day, I'd made an appointment at Grizzly Peak Vet Clinic in Red Lodge. What attentive care all the dogs received.
Cole had torn out two sutures, so he was tended to also. Everyone was filled up on treats, I gleaned useful trail information, and we were on our way to finding our rental in this small, former mining town.
These are the neighborhoods... Where there's an unwritten rule that everyone cares for the mule deer and the wild turkeys.
Ding dong, trick or treat.
Residents set food out in their yards! They're everywhere!!!
Before the dogs go ballistic and go through a window, we make it to our log cabin.
Postage size! The whole thing is smaller then my living room, but it has a full kitchen and a gas fireplace.
Bliss. With a fenced in yard... What more could to ask for?
Foot warmers? Got them too.