Tuesday, February 14, 2017

North by Northwest

Our departure from Gina's farm came too quickly, along with the 5 AM blast off time.  With 850 miles to northern Colorado on the roster, no choice.

Our first stop : Kanopolis State Park in Kansas.

Time for breakfast and coffee!!!
And a chance to let them doggies run.

And a chance for this rock hound to see amazing geological structures at the neighboring Mushroom Rock State Park. 

"This is what you dragged me out to see?"

Cole's exuberance can be counted on.

As I was busy playing Atlas.

Finding these places usually requires some shunpiking (avoiding highways).

It's where all the treasures are hidden.
A few hundred miles up the interstate and down more dirt roads, we found Flagler Wildlife Refuge. That was our last stop before destination : Bellvue, Colorado. North enough of Denver to have these as neighbors.

We stayed in a vintage Quonset hut.

Ingenious use of a small space.

Snug as four bugs in rug.

A little jewel.

Even fresh eggs provided.

Whatever will we find in Wyoming tomorrow?