Friday, February 3, 2017

Silver Linings

Grateful for silver linings this week.
Cole and Pete spent half their Thursday at the vet school.  Pete in physio, Cole in onco and physio.

Liz giving Bon Voyage hugs to her nephews.
Cole's ultrasound revealed that his spleen, liver and lymph tumors have not grown in four weeks, meaning the new chemo drug has the cancer dazed and confused.  Montana, here we come!

While Pete and Cole were getting massages, Garrett and I ran errands.  Got our Winter tires put on the doggie-mobile.

Practicing his canine citizenship skills at Lowe's.

"Did I pass, Mom?"
Did great, Kid.

Last silver lining is two fold:  saved another $60 giving myself a haircut and I'm finally owning this grey mop that I spent years trying to dye.  I earned every single strand!