Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Yellow Light

Each day in my planner gets longer and longer, I'll be needing two pages per day and three of me by tomorrow.  If I can hang on and get through the weekend, it'll be a miracle.

If Hurricane Irma can stay out of the gulf and not hit us, I'll be drifting off into a drug induced torpor by Monday morning.  On Tuesday, I spent 4 hours at the cardiologist office getting poked and prodded.  The nuclear stress test placed me 2% below average in the borderline no man's land.  My heart isn't pumping out as much blood as it should.  But, the surgery is viewed as being immediately necessary, so we're going for it.
I'm so ready for this to be over.  I looked over my schedule book for the past 16 months.  Every two months, I'd get one of my days off to piddle around on my projects, all other days off have been spent at the vet's or a doctor's office.  Speaking of which, my next day off this week is Thursday and I'm spending the day at the vet school getting the oxen's feet trimmed.

  I'm burned out on not getting my time alone.  When I get home from the hospital on Tuesday this will be my first act:
Then I'll bury my cell phone out in the yard.
My fridge has gone from this:
To this:
And this:
I don't have the time to make myself frozen meals, so I bought a small fortune of prepared meals to last a month.
And meat for me and the boys:
In either case, I'm hurricane ready... as soon as I check my generator today!
Also ran by the thrift store and bought some loose clothing,
comfortable clothing!
A change is coming and I'm ready!